Diabetes though is a household disease standing in the 21st century, the costs for handling it are not. As per the govt reports regarding UK income averages, diabetes treatment is still considered as not affordable for all-in long-term scenarios.

And anybody getting a cover for diabetes irrespective of life insurance, health insurance or term policies or anything else – one thing is surely high & that is the annual premium amount. So if you are a victim of high expenses & poor financial management because of heavy annual premiums, my dear friend I am here with a few remedies that can help you get easily accepted for diabetes life insurance at a much lower premium.

Factors that help to reduce the annual premium 

1.Getting rid of obesity & lowering the bodyweight

Obesity itself is a disease and with diabetes TII, it is a partner in crime. Both together are a deadly combination in increasing the risk probabilities. This is a parameter that is considered as a factor that is assessed by almost all the insuring companies. 

2.Quitting the habits of smoking – if possible, tobacco by all means

Tobacco & smoking is a slow poison and we all are being taught that from our very childhood days. But still, we ignore that fact till our blood levels & lungs are affected seriously. If you are found to be diabetic, there is a single option for you. Leave smoking & tobacco in all forms once & for all.

3.Reducing alcohol consumption under all circumstances

Alcohol consumption not only causes liver cirrhosis but fans the fire set by diabetes in risking organ failures. They create several associated complications like fatty liver, diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy. 

4.Lowering the levels of bad cholesterols &Y increasing good cholesterol aka HDL levels

Keeping the cholesterol levels within control ensured that your cardiovascular system is secured from fatal risks to a major extent. That reduces the fatal risk factors to some extent. Hence this would a point to plead to the insuring company to reduce the annual premium

5.Informing your insurer with you are way fitter than previous years and your risk chances are competitively lower

  1. Controlling the blood sugar levels to definite values for a long term
  2. Keeping the HbA1C values below the high-risk zone 

Follow the points mentioned above to maintain a healthy portfolio. There is a bottom line to the entire scenario – maintain a healthy body to reduce your annual premium. Visit  https://www.the-insurance-surgery.co.uk/over-50s-life-insurance/  for more information.

By Rachel

Rachel Cohen: Rachel is a sustainability consultant who blogs about corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices.