We all get unwanted calls for the credit card, no matter how many times you hang up on that, they still try to sell their credit cards to you. They also offer a bunch of offers and benefits that will be available to you with your credit card, which almost tempt you to buy them even when you already have one or you don’t require a credit card at all. However, do all the credit cards provide benefits? Should you buy the credit card? Which is the best credit card? Which credit card should you buy? There is also a provision for online credit card payment which makes the system very flexible.
Well, here is the answer to all of your questions!
Credit card for everyone: There are different types of customised credit cards available for everyone. If you love to travel or shop, then you can get shopping credit cards or travel cards. If you are a student and need a credit card, then there are credit cards for you as well! Banks also provide credit cards to the women borrowers for business needs. So the best credit card will suit your needs and offer you attractive discounts and rewards as well.
Credit cards for people who love shopping and travel:
- SBI elite card: If you love to travel mainly by air then this is a credit card you must undoubtedly look as it provides attractive offers like complimentary visits to international airport lounges. You can also get your travel insured up to Rs 1 crores with this credit card. The list is on! As you can also earn rewards for your yearly spends. For instance, for annual spends of Rs. 3 lakhs, and Rs 5 lakhs you can get 10,000 and 15,000 reward points respectively.
- Citi Rewards card: The best part about this credit card is that you don’t have to pay the annual fees as charged by most of the cards. The rewards associated with the Citibank credit card is that you can collect points on using it for shopping. For instance, you can get 500 bonus points if you use the card within the 30 days of availing the card.
- The ICICI Coral credit card: This credit card is also suitable for the people who love shopping. With an annual fee of Rs.500, you can get 50% rewards points on every online purchase. You can collect the reward points and use these points in restaurants and supermarkets. The credit card also offers several discounts on dining bills.
Credit cards for students: The student credit cards are available with zero annual fees and low-interest rates. Students can use these credit cards for paying their university fees.
ICICI Bank Student Travel Card provides benefits like travel insurance, merchant offers and discounts in about 130 countries. The students can use these cards for paying the university fees if they are studying abroad and can get several cuts as well.
SBI Student Plus Advantage Card, ICICI Bank Student Travelcard or the HDFC Forex Plus card are some other credit cards available, especially for the needs of students.
Credit cards for women: The credit cards provide financial freedom to every woman. There are different types of credit cards available for every woman.
- With Yes First Preferred credit card, the working mother can book tickets for the movie for the movies and spend time together with her children. A retired woman can avail IndusInd Bank Platinum Credit Card as you can get benefits like insurance, Priority Pass membership and fuel-surcharge waiver at all fuel stations etc.
Thus, you can choose the credit card as per your need and overcome the financial hurdles that you have in your life.
Summary: Which credit card is best for you and why
There are different types of customised credit cards available for everyone. If you love to travel or shop, then you can get shopping credit cards or travel cards. If you are a student and need a credit card, then there are credit cards for you as well! Banks also provide credit cards to the women borrowers for business needs. So the best credit card will suit your needs and offer you attractive discounts and rewards as well.
If you love to travel mainly by air then SBI elite credit card is the one you must undoubtedly look at as it provides attractive offers like complimentary visits to international airport lounges. You can also get your travel insured up to Rs 1 crores with this credit card. The list is on!
The student credit cards are available with zero annual fees and low-interest rates. Students can use these credit cards for paying their university fees. ICICI Bank Student Travel Card is a card available for students and provides benefits like travel insurance, merchant offers and discounts in about 130 countries.
The credit cards provide financial freedom to every woman. There are different types of credit cards available for every woman.With Yes First Preferred credit card, the working mother can book tickets for the movie for the movies and spend time together with her children.